Small Enterprise Development Loan

Loan to small and medium enterprises with 3 jobs or more
Amount: up to 250,000 TJS
Loan term: up to 48 months
Nominal interest: from 36.6% in TJS
Effective interest: from 35.7% in TJS
Commission from the loan amount: 1%

Business Loan

For trade, service or production
Amount: up to 250,000 TJS
Loan term: up to 48 months
Nominal interest: from 34.8% in TJS
Effective interest: from 36.9% in TJS
Commission from the loan amount: 1%

Agricultural Loan

For cattle fattening and agricultural production (vegetables, cotton, honey)
Amount: up to 250,000 TJS
Loan term: up to 42 months
Nominal interest: from 36,0% in TJS
Effective interest: from 38.1% in TJS
Commission from the loan amount: 1%

Express Loan

For business or consumer, in one day with Gold as collateral

Amount: up to 100,000 TJS
Loan term: up to 24 months
Nominal interest: from 39.6% in TJS
Effective interest: from 41.8% in TJS
Commission from the loan amount: 1%


Consumer Loan

For housing, education, medical expenses, migration, wedding, and consumer goods
Amount: up to 100,000 TJS
Loan term: up to 36 months
Nominal interest: from 40.8% in TJS
Effective interest: from 43.0% in TJS
Commission from the loan amount: 1%


Consumer Loan

For housing, education, medical expenses, migration, wedding, and consumer goods
Amount: up to 100,000 TJS
Loan term: up to 36 months
Nominal interest: from 40.8% in TJS
Effective interest: from 43.0% in TJS
Commission from the loan amount: 1%



Consumer Loan

For housing, education, medical expenses, migration, wedding, and consumer goods
Amount: up to 100,000 TJS
Loan term: up to 36 months
Nominal interest: from 40.8% in TJS
Effective interest: from 43.0% in TJS
Commission from the loan amount: 1%


Migration Loan

For migration workers
Amount: up to 15,000 TJS (for two migration workers up to 25,000 TJS)
Loan term: up to 24 months
Nominal interest: from 39.6% in TJS
Effective interest: from 41.8% in TJS
Commission from the loan amount: 1%


 Loan for business women

For funding business women
Amount: up to 30,000 TJS
Loan term: up to 24 months
Nominal interest: from 32.4% in TJS
Effective interest: from 34.5% in TJS
Commission from the loan amount: 1%


Loan "Victory"

For new customers (borrowers of other banks) with a good credit history
Amount: up to 20,000 TJS
Loan term: up to 36 months
Nominal interest: from 33.6% in TJS
Effective interest: from 35.6% in TJS
Commission from the loan amount: 1%


Loan for "Folkcraft"

For funding customers engaged in national folkcraft
Amount: up to 30,000 TJS
Loan term: up to 36 months
Nominal interest: from 33.6% in TJS
Effective interest: from 35.6% in TJS
Commission from the loan amount: 1%