
The main purpose of compliance is to assist the Supervisors and the Board of the Organization in the implementation of internal control and risk management compliance, which is likely to affect the activities of the Organization. Compliance control also focuses on the implementation of the requirements and norms of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Combating Money Laundering, Financing of Terrorism and Financing the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction."

Anyone can apply to the organization's risk management department in the following cases:

  • Violation of the law, regulations, instructions of the National Bank of Tajikistan and the requirements of internal regulatory documents by the Organization or its employees;
  • Bribery and fraud involving employees of the Organization;
  • Illegal disclosure of banking secrets;
  • Money laundering and terrorist financing;
  • Conflict of interest with the participation of employees of the Organization
  • Other illegal actions

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